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Cryptographic key

A cryptographic key is a special set of data that is used to encrypt and decrypt information sent over a network. Cryptographic keys are used to determine authenticity codes and to verify electronic digital signatures.

The success of decryption will depend on the key used, and if access to it is lost for any reason, it will be impossible to decrypt the data.

Cryptographic key length

. The amount of information stored in cryptographic keys is measured in bits. The length is an important parameter of cryptostability in the cryptographic algorithms that are used in the modern world. When the length of a crypto-key is 128 bits or more, the maximum reliability is ensured, because for decryption of such data it is necessary to use super-powerful hardware and software complexes (supercomputers).

Penetration testing

Varieties of crypto keys

Keys in cryptography come in different varieties depending on the specific algorithms that apply these keys. 2 main types can be distinguished:

  1. Symmetric (or secret). They are used within the framework of algorithms of symmetric type (to create authenticity codes, in encryption). The main function of keys of this type is reverse or direct cryptographic transformation (encryption/decryption, MAC verification). This approach provides a fairly high confidentiality of information.
  2. Asymmetric keys. Such types of keys are used in encryption algorithms of asymmetric type (for example, in verification of electronic digital signature).

Asymmetric keys are key-pairs consisting of two different keys:

  1. Private key (Private key). It is available only to its owner. To guarantee complete confidentiality and security of the data and to protect it from intruders, the private key must be kept secret from third parties by its owner.
  2. Public (Public key). “Public” key, which can be published in the free access for verification of electronic digital signature and for prevention of malicious actions on the part of the certifier of the document, if he refuses to sign it by means of EDS. Such a crypto-key is defined as a certain constituent part of a private key.

The key pair (asymmetric cryptographic key) has one important property – the secret key makes it easy to determine the public key, but if you use the public key to determine the private key, the intruder will not be able to do anything.

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